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Naproxen is similar to ibuprofen but is longer-acting; it is the active ingredient in medications like aleve and naprosyn.

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Acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs nsaids such as aspirin, ibuprofen advil, motrin, and others , and naproxen aleve, naprosyn, and others can increase the risk of bleeding problems when taken with an anticoagulant.

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Aleve is a brand name for a drug containing naproxen sodium as an active ingredient while naproxen is a generic name for the drug containing the same active ingredient.

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For pain this would be the second most effective nsaid for me, behind motrin but well ahead of aleve or other otc s of any type – it is my preference for cold and flu because it breaks a fever pretty quick.

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May 29 2002 first there was aspirin to treat pain and inflammation, then came advil, aleve, and 40 other similar drugs.

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